Prime Minister Michael Norman Manley the Leader and his philosophies and goals to help Jamaicans overcome their

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social injustice and economic inequality to gain self reliance independence are still appreciated 15 years after his death.  2012 is Jamaica’s 50th Anniversary after independence in 1962 and 40th anniversary after Mr. Manley’s first election victory in 1972 for the People’s National Party (PNP) in Jamaica, his memories lives on and his connection with the people remain significant. Since Mr. Michael Manley’s death in March 6, 1997, multiple polls were taken to compare all the Prime Ministers of Jamaica who has done the most for the people and who was considered the best by the people and Mr. Manley has won each poll taken.  Manley’s Article

The conclusion from that great article shows that when it came to the popular votes, people do believe Mr. Michael Norman Manley intentions to advance the people of Jamaica and the Caribbean was genuine. While the overwhelming majority of people voted for Mr. Michael Norman Manley, one cannot help but to wonder could and would the poll numbers have been different if there were more voices to represent the 1940s and 1950s.

English: Mrs. Michael Manley, Prime Minister M...

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During the late 1930s, 1940s and 1950s when the path to self reliant was at its low point and getting to the peak required “thinking out side the box” before the term was born. The road to survival for the people of Jamaica were in the hands of two their leaders who later received Jamaica’s highest honor   National Heroes Mr. Norman Washington Manley his father and Sir Alexander Bustamante, Jamaica’s first prime Minister. As a result of their vision and love for the people, they created the path and provided representation for the people. The highest respect goes out to Mr. Michael Norman Manley but we are just saying, imagine if people of that generation participated in the voting process.

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