Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce leads Jamaica at Opening Ceremony of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at Maracana Stadium on August 5, 2016, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Jamaica Independence
The Jamaican Flag first came into existence on August 06, 1962. It was on that day Jamaica received its independence from the British. As a result, the August 06, 1962, will always be a historical day in the lives of many Jamaicans. It will go down in the history books as the day the British Flag made the journey down the flagpole. That’s because the Union Jack Flag sunrise was when they captured the island of Jamaica in 1655. For many Jamaicans, the sunset was on August 06, 1962, when they got their Independence the British Flag.
Now it was time for Jamaica to show off their new flag. The newly designed Jamaican Flag was unique in style. Not only was the Jamaican flag unique in style but it was also unique in colors. For the very first time since the existence of Jamaica, the island will have its own flag. Memories of the Union Jack flag flying across the island, symbolizing the days of colonialism would soon fade. The British Flag hung in Jamaica since the island was attacked in 1655, was now in the rearview mirror and a distant memory.
British ruled Jamaica
As people would say, long before the sweet taste of independence, there was colonialism on the island. During colonialism, the British ruled Jamaica for more than 300 years. Prior to the British rule and in the early 1500s, the island was once ruled by the Spaniards. The Spaniards ruled the island until the mid-1600s before the British ousted them. During colonial times, the flags that flew were from the countries that ruled to represent the island. The British rule continued until 1962 in which they flue the British Flag. So, since Jamaica didn’t have a flag, they weren’t considering a country. During colonial times, whatever success story Jamaica received, the celebration would be held under the Union Jack Flag. There was a ceremonial celebration for Jamaican athletes, such as winning an Olympic Medals. The National Anthem played was of the British, the mother country.

Jamaican Usain St. Leo Bolt, fastest man on earth, Rio 2016, ‘Immortal’ status. Pic from SC in Jamaican Flag colors.
British Subject, Jamaican Nationals
Jamaican Nationals were allowed to travel to England without a visa and that was great. With the Jamaican people and many other foreign nationals both former and current British citizens going to England, it resulted in a very diverse population of the English people.
England once being the colonial authority over Jamaica, the laws of the land, or the Book of Rules, had to be strictly followed. The law represents the judicial system and covers, the lawyer, doctor, and Indian chief as the saying goes that of the mother country. Over time as one can imagine, as the Jamaican people moved around the island, the British Flag and the British influence were everywhere. The Jamaican currency was once Pound, shilling, and pence just like the English currency before converting to dollars.
The British System and Jamaican
For many, it was business, as usual, being a part of British rule. Some Folks see it as an honored because of what they envisioned as perks, if you were aligned with being part of something bigger. Then, there were other people who wanted no part of the British System. They believed not all that glitters turned into gold. The ultimate goals for the leaders of several Caribbean islands were to align with other islands and file for independence.
Some argued for the rights of being a colony. They talked about its advantages, such as traveling without a Visa to the mainland, getting financial help, and the extent of protection against war.
The immediate disadvantage many argued in favor of their country is not having the ability to make final decisions. People felt that it did not matter whether they were capable of leading, it was just the right thing to do in controlling your own destiny. Many could not get past some of the island’s proudest moments, especially in track and field. Jamaican athletes have a long and rich history. Other countries did not know who was and where was Jamaica.
The Union Jack Flag came down in Jamaica.
as we know it today
August 6, 1962, marks the birth of a nation. The island of Jamaica was born. Now, for the first time, the Jamaican people would be recognized by other nations as an independent country. Athletes could now stand proudly on the podium with the flag of their country draped over their shoulders as they listened to the playing of their National Anthem.
How many Colors does the Jamaican Flag have?
The flag colors are black, gold, and green and symbolize the pride of the people. The black signifies the strength and creativity of the people. The gold is from the year-round sunshine and wealth of the country. The green is for the land and the endless agricultural possibilities. It’s interesting when you think about the color that was chosen for the Jamaican flag. Many countries around the world have similar color flags.
Generally, many countries maintain ties with other countries by having similar color flags. Flag colors for the most part, by and large, represent the larger story of the country’s population. What’s interesting about the Jamaican flag is that it does not have any colors of the Union Jack Flag. The colors on the Jamaican flag were designed to represent the resources of the country and the people. While the new colors on the Jamaican Flag may suggest forward thinking by the now independent country it may also be viewed as total separation from its mother country.
What is the Codes for using the Jamaican Flag?
The Jamaican Flag like any other country has certain codes and standards that people must follow. Persons using the flag should not allow it to touch the ground. When flown in the country, the flag should never be smaller than any other flag except at various foreign Embassies in the country. The old and worn-out flag should be burnt privately as the new replacement flag is raised. No flag should be placed to the right of the Jamaican Flag in the country. And no foreign flags should be raised in the country without the presence of the Jamaican flag which should be flown the highest and biggest in size. The flag should never be draped over any vehicle, except for military vehicles along with state and police vehicles.
What Does the Jamaican Flag look like?

World Famous Waldorf Astoria Hotel USA, accommodates President, Royalty, and dignitaries seen flying the Jamaican Flag.
Flag Emoji
Funny enough, it’s amazing how many emoji graphics there are to represent just about all the concepts of Jamaica. The Creative ideas behind so many Jamaican Flags Emoji is Epic. These emoji Jamaican flags are traveling across social media networks nonstop.
Display Black-Green-Gold Flag
According to self-proclaim (studies for the pure love of history) Donahue Hall, Jamaica, and Mauritania are the only two countries that do not have the Red, White, or Blue colors on their flags. The national flag is known as The flag of Mauritania.” They got their flag on April 1, 1959. The gold color on the flag represents the Sahara and the green is a symbol of Islam. Both colors combined are Pan-African colors.
However, in 2017 They added the Red on the Top and Bottom of the Flag. This was done by Present Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz. As stated, “The effort and sacrifices that the people of Mauritania will keep consenting, to the price their blood, to defend their territory”
Mauritania, a country in the region of western North Africa.