Jerk Sauce is one of Jamaica’s most beloved authentic seasonings. Jerk Sauce is part of Jamaica’s history. Jerk sauce came after jerk dry seasoning which has been around since the 16th century. Jerk seasoning came about using West African Maroon People traditional cooking and combining it with native Jamaican Tainos and Arawak people cooking. Jerk seasoning was used as a way to preserve the cooking in order for the meat to not spoil as quick.
Jerk Sauce

Today jerk sauce and jerk seasoning is widely used and very popular around the world. Jerk sauce and jerk seasoning is added to meat such as chicken, pork and fish regularly. Jerk sauce and jerk seasoning is added to shrimp and lobster as well. People who are vegetarians add jerk sauce and jerk seasoning to many vegetarians’ dishes. Authentic Jamaican jerk sauce and jerk seasoning on any type of meat is a taste many people are not willing to live without. Adding pimento wood and pimento leave to the fire during the grilling process can be a real treat to bring out the jerk sauce and jerk seasoning taste.
3 – cloves Garlic, chopped
1 – Onion, medium chopped
1 – tbsp Ginger, grated
1 – tsp Allspice, pimento
2 – stalk Scallion
2 – stem thyme
2 – Scotch Bonnet pepper
1 – tbsp Soy Sauce
2 – tbsp vinegar
½ – tsp Salt
¼ – tsp Black pepper
1 – tbsp Sugar, brown (optional)
1 – tbsp Barbecue sauce
½ – cup Water
Preparation: All ingredients (except the scotch Bonnet pepper and black pepper, see “Tip” below) should be chopped and ready for Blending or adding to food processor. Blend until ingredients become smooth liquefy.
Add meat to bowl and pour jerk sauce/jerk seasoning over meat. Mix meat and jerk sauce/jerk seasoning together and cover. Allow meat to marinate to get the authentic jerk food flavor & taste. Leaving seasons meat in refrigerate over night to marinate is preferable.
Cooking Instructions:
1. Preheat charcoal or gas grill at 350 degree if temperature gauge is available.
2. Remove marinated meat from refrigerator.
3. Sprinkler marinated chicken and fish, with a small amount of paprika for that extra rich color. *Jerk pork does not need paprika.
4. Place marinated meat on grill and turn from side to side until it’s cooked.
Cooking Note: Adjust ingredients amount if you are serving more than 4 people. Recipe ingredients are for 1 whole chicken, 3 lbs chicken or 3 lbs pork.
**Jerk seasoning is hot use plastic gloves for seasoning, or wash hands thoroughly before touching face. **
Tip: For children menu when making jerk seasoning, blend all the ingredients except scotch bonnet peppers & black pepper. Add liquid seasoning to chicken for children then continue blending by adding scotch bonnet peppers and black pepper and blend to liquefy once again.
The ripe Nutmeg skin can be added to seasoning for flavor NOT THE NUTMEG. Same for the Cinnamon, its the wild cinnamon bark can be added to season for flavor NOT THE CINNAMON POWDER.