As Jamaica Sports Minister Natalie-Headley and the Jamaican Government announced plans to celebrate the athlete’s accomplishments in the London Olympics in August 2012, folks continued to be marveled at the success of the athletes over the years.

By National Media Museum from UK – The finish of the men’s 400 metres at the Olympic Games, London, 1948.Uploaded by mrjohncummings, No restrictions, Link
The celebration is planned for the middle of October 2012 during the weekend of national heroes’ day in Jamaica. As the sports minister welcome five Olympians home, she announces the cultural event that will take place. This event includes entertainers volunteering to perform a free concert to show there support for the success Jamaican athletes has had over the years.
The 1948 Olympics was represented by Jamaica track and field stars Arthur Wint and Herb McKenley. Since then, Jamaica has participated in sixteen track and fields Olympics games. Over the years, there success has been amazing with currently twelve athletes who have run under ten-seconds in the 100 meter.
English: Jamaica 4×100 m at the World Championship Athletics 2009 in Berlin (Frater, Powell, Bolt and Mullings (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The athletes are Usain Bolt with his world record of 9.58 seconds; Yohan Blake 9.69; Asafa Powel 9.72 seconds and will go down in history as the sprinter who beat the 10 seconds clock in 80 tries in which his personal best of 9.72 sec. currently the 5th fastest time in the 100 meter. The other athletes are Nesta Carter 9.78; Steve Mullins 9.80; Michael Frater 9.88, Nikel Ashmeade 9.93, Mario Forsythe 9.95; Raymond Stewart 9.96, Percival Spencer 9.98, Lerone Clarke 9.99 and Kemar Bailey-Cole our latest Jamaican to be added to the under 10 seconds speedsters at 9.977
Congratulations once again to all the athletes who participated in the 2012 Olympic Game held in London.